Mental Wellness on the Move
Crossroads Pop-Up Trauma Support for Soldiers’
(In Collaboration with Mike’s Place Jerusalem)
Crossroads Mental Health professionals who are based in downtown Jerusalem have observed and been informed about many young Soldiers who are in need of immediate crisis & trauma support. These Soldiers are coming from various fronts of engagement and are often in a vulnerable emotional state.
The Crossroads Pop-up Trauma Support program is multi-dimensional.
One part of the project would deploy mental health professionals to local area restaurants and bars frequented by soldiers. The program is designed to provide an informal, safe, and supportive space where soldiers can comfortably, and confidentially discuss their experiences and challenges. The mental health professionals would offer short term therapeutic support as well as be available to consult and assist with additional mental health resources if needed.
The second part of the project would facilitate events for solders in restaurants where mental health professionals would both offer individual one on one conversations as well as facilitate small therapeutic support groups that would offer tools and psycho education to those feeling particularly vulnerable.
A third component of the project involves providing creative arts programs to Lone Soldiers and B’not Sherut Leumi (National Service volunteers), allowing them to receive support and engage with mental health professionals while processing their experiences.
The overarching goal of this initiative is to provide immediate trauma support & intervention, help prevent longer-term mental health issues and promote overall emotional well-being.
To sponsor or donate to this program by American Credit Card or PayPal, click on the image below: